Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Things have been a little crazy at our house lately. We have a crazy 7 month old that like to crawl, climb and get into whatever is at his reach. He is always falling over, hitting his head, or getting stuck in crazy places. He has been having to entertain himself a lot lately because his Mama has been doing lots of:

And has seen a lot of this!

That's because...

Notice his shirt and shocked face? That is how his Mama felt when she found out too. You read right, Baby #2 is due in August!


Sydnee Shey said...

YAY!!!!!!!! That is so fun. Congrats girl. I should be a grown up and have babies too.....Mayble later.

Alex and Sam said...

OH MY GOSH!!! Linds, congratulations! If anyone can handle it, it's you!

Caroline said...

Congrats! That's so awesome!

Heather said...

WOW! Congrats! I bet your mom is loving it :)

Alexis Lopez said...

Woah! Congratulations Linds! That is great news!

Jenna said...

I was so excited when Jonny told us this the other night! Congratulations! It will be so much fun to have two close together. I hope it's a girl :)

Dan and Lora said...

Lindsay Lou!
I couldn't be more excited for you! I can't believe you didn't tell me Sunday!!! You make the worlds cutest babies can't wait to meet this one!

Great Basin Cowgirl said...

Congrats, Lindsay! What a wonderful blessing for you both!

Julie said...

Wow! Congrats you guys!!

Jil ~ said...

Lindsay I'm so excited for you and Johnny!! I bet your mom is in seventh heaven! I can't stop smiling because I think it's so great!

Chris and Maddi said...

:) Congratulations! That's way exciting to hear!!! Wow, another little cutie on the way :) Keep us posted!!!

Whit said...

Oh my goodness! Congrats! You are such a good Mom so this will be perfect! I am so happy for you!

anna said...

wow!! congrats girl! you're going to be a busy bee, but you'll love every second i'm sure!

kars and linz said...

I hope you don't find this weird but I stumbled upon your blog from a friends. We have a little 6th month old named Madden and we our due with #2 in August as well! Your little boy is adorable. Good luck with #2!

Curt, Julie, Claire and Andrew said...

Yeah! You are making the world more beautiful with your adorable children. Your little guy is the cutest baby! We love his face and eyes! I understand the shock feelings. I hope you feel better soon! Congratulations!

Dirty South said...

Yeah! I was so shocked! Your going to be a busy mommy, but you would be the one to do it! Congrats

Laura and Brodie Calder said...

Yeah! I am so excited for you. Congrats!!!!

Colby & Amanda said...

I couldn't remember if I left you a comment or not!! ha ha! But I am excited for you guys:) I need another baby. let us know if you need anything! Hope you feel better soon

Anonymous said...

Congrats!! That is going to be fun. They are going to be so close!! I got pregnant with Ben when Jax was only 8 months old and it has been quite the rollercoaster ride! ha ha The first year was pretty hard - I'm not gonna lie about that. But, now that they are both older they LOVE each other and always have someone to play with. I wouldn't change how close they are for anything. It is good for them to always have a friend around. But you are in for a serious job my friend!! ha ha Congrats!!

Lauren Graff said...

I just found your blog and have been killing time at work catching up on your life!!! haha! Your family is adorable! And congratulations on having another baby!