Temperament: You have 4 modes. Cry, sleep, grunt, and squirm.
Things I Could Do Without: Having to put your binki back in every 2 seconds, endless bouncy to sleep.
Item/Toy We Love The Most: Bouncy Chair.
Item/Toy You Love The Most: Binki and Sound Machine.
Things I’m Loving Most Right Now: You will sleep 4-5 hours before waking up at night. How sweet and calm you are in the middle of the night, the way you stretch so grandly when we unwrap you from your swaddle in the morning.
Things You’re Loving Most Right Now: your mommy, tummy time, being swaddled and held close, the sound of white noise, your bouncy chair, going for a drive in the car, sucking on your hands, lifting your head up and looking around.